By inflation we mean a general rise in prices. To be more correct, inflation is a persistent rise in the general price level rather than a once-for-all rise in it. On the other hand, deflation represents persistently falling prices. Inflation or persistently rising prices is a major problem in India today. Historic inflation India (CPI) - This page features an overview of the historic Indian inflation: CPI India. The inflation rate is based upon the consumer price index (CPI). Two overviews are being presented: the annual inflation by year for India - comparing the december CPI to the december CPI of the year before and. The inflation rate in India between 1958 and 2019 was 7,303.89%, which translates into a total increase of $7,303.89. This means that 100 rupees in 1958 are equivalent to 7,403.89 rupees in 2019. In other words, the purchasing power of $100 in 1958 equals $7,403.89 in 2019.